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 Naturopathic Medicine
Philosophy and Principles


Health is positive vitality and not just an absence of medical findings of the disease. 

Education of the patient is vital to promote healthy living, self-care, preventative medicine, and the unique factors affecting vitality. The vital force is diminished by a range of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental factors. 

Vis medicatrix natrae, The Healing Power of Nature

Trust in the body's innate ability to heal

Tolle Causum, Find and Treat the cause

Look beyond the symptoms to the root cause


Primum Non Nocere, First Do No Harm

Utilise the most natural, non-invasive treatments

Docere, Doctor as Teacher

Educate the patient by teaching the principles of good health

Tolle Totum, Treat the Whole Person

Treat each person by taking into account individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and spiritual factors

Praevenire, Prevention

The focus is on disease prevention, wellness, and overall long-term health

Source: Clinical Naturopathy

Naturopathic medicine utilises many modalities to help you heal. These are unique and individual to each person. It may include the use of botanicals, nutrition, behavioural medicine, homeopathy, light therapy, movement, and preventative medicine. 

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